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our expert teachers

We have a team of professional subject educators from eminent and reputed CBSE, ICSE, ISC and U.P. Board schools. They have a rich experience of teaching and guiding students to make them understand the concept, enabling the students to perform better in the examinations. All the subject teachers in the team have worked hard to come up with the best possible solution to improve the conceptual understanding and academic performance of each student.


Science is knowledge gained by systematic and logical study in any branches of physical, chemical, or natural sciences.


Physics is the study of energy and matter in space and time and how they are related to each other.


Chemistry is the science that deals with the properties, composition, and structure of elements and compounds.


Biology is the science that studies life, and living things, and the evolution of life including animals, plants, fungi, and microorganisms.


Mathematics is the study of numbers, shapes, and patterns.

Computer Science

Computer science is the study of computer technology, both hardware, and software.

Social Science

Social Science is the study of the activities of the physical and social environment.


History is the study of past events, particularly in human affairs.


Geography is the study of the physical features of the earth and its atmosphere, and of human activity.


Economics is a social science concerned with the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.


Hindi is an Indo-Aryan language. It is the main language in our country. About 800 million people speak Hindi in India. The Devanāgarī script is used to write.

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